Celebrating Teachers' Day

Teachers awaited their day, the day that is coined for them. May 2nd is a very special day as it marks the birth anniversary of the Third Druk Gyalpo Jigme Dorji Wangchuck, which is also celebrated as the Teachers’ Day in Bhutan. We celebrate the National Teachers’ Day to remember and pay tribute to the Father of Modern Bhutan and to either pay our respect to the teachers’ past, present and future who have sacrificed, made a difference and who are sacrificing, making a difference and teachers who will be sacrificing and making a difference in the lives of many who had, are and will be building the Nation.

The following pictures display the celebration of teachers’ day at Paro College of Education on 2nd May 2023. The program commenced with the singing of national anthem, His Majesty’s zhabten followed by speeches on thanksgiving and appreciation. The cake cutting alongside happy teachers’ day song rejuvenated the whole air. The very act was serene, solemn and emotional but the sudden burst of applause of the crowd overtook the solemnness and replaced by laughter, joy and excitement. The whole programs were holistic besides being remarkable. Teachers got locked onto their chair and engrossed watching programs.

Teachers' day celebration at Paro College of Education

Through the above pictures, we can educate students about reasons why teachers matter in a society, importance of celebrating teacher’s day and explain why celebrating teachers’ day on 2nd May holds such significance.

1.   Why Teachers are Important in Society?

Teachers are arguably the most important members of our society. They give children purpose, set them up for success as citizens of our world, and inspire in them a drive to do well and succeed in life. The children of today are the leaders of tomorrow, and teachers are that critical point that makes a child ready for their future. 

2.   How Teachers Bring Change in a Student’s Life

Teachers can act as a support system that is lacking elsewhere in students’ lives. They can be a role model and an inspiration to go further and to dream bigger. They hold students accountable for their successes and failures and good teachers won’t let their talented students get away with not living up to their full potential. Teachers of all walks of life and subjects have the ability to shape opinions and help form ideas about society, life and personal goals. They can also expand students’ limits and push their creativity.

a)   Role Models

Teachers are the ultimate role models for students. The teacher-student connection is invaluable for some students, who may otherwise not have that stability. They will stay positive for their students even when things can seem grim. A great teacher always has compassion for their students, understanding of their students’ personal lives, and appreciation for their academic goals and achievements. Teachers are role models for children to be positive, always try harder, and reach for the stars.

b) They Provide the Power of Education

Knowledge and education are the basis for all things that can be accomplished in life. Teachers provide the power of education to today’s youth, thereby giving them the possibility for a better future.

c) Guidance

Teachers provide guidance to students of all types. They are able to see each child’s strengths and weaknesses and can provide assistance and guidance to either get them up to speed or push them higher. They will help to reveal student’s best skills and teach valuable life skills as well, such as communication, compassion, presentation, organization, following directions, and more. They are also a source of inspiration and motivation. Teachers inspire students to do well and motivate them to work hard and keep their academic goals on track.

d) Dedication

One of the most important parts of teaching is having dedication. Teachers not only listen, but also coach and mentor their students. They are able to help shape academic goals and are dedicated to getting their students to achieve them. Teachers have patience for their students and are understanding when a concept isn’t taking. Finally, teachers’ dedication is shown by their ‘round-the-clock work habits. They don’t stop working when the school bell rings. They are grading papers, making lessons, and communicating with parents after school and on weekends. Most teachers arrive earlier than school starts to set up their day and provide extra assistance to struggling students.

e) Teachers Play a Great Role in the Economic Development of the Country

Education is a fundamental aspect in the development of a country. If the youth of a society is educated, a future is born. Teachers provide the education that improves quality of life, therefore bringing so much to both individuals and society as a whole. They increase productivity and creativity of students and therefore, of future workers. When students are pushed to be creative and productive, they are more likely to be entrepreneurial and make technological advances, ultimately leading to economic development of a country.

3. Significance of celebrating teachers’ day on 2nd May

As teachers’ day are celebrated around the world on different dates according to their importance and significance in the history of the country. Likewise, Bhutan has opted for May the 2nd to be marked as the teachers day in the country. This was the day in 1951 when the third king of Bhutan, Jigme Dorji Wangchuck, was born. He was the driving force behind the modern education system in Bhutan and appropriately credited for its success and also, he is known fondly by all Bhutanese as the father of modern Bhutan. He is the reason first and foremost to celebrate and dedicate this special day, as well as appreciating and displaying our gratitude to all our teachers past and present.

By celebrating May 2nd as Teachers’s Day, we would not only be paying respect to the great human being in the form of our Third King but we will be paying respects to all the great souls who come in the form of teachers playing with chalk and duster, notebooks and test books, lesson plans and homework corrections, challenging their own emotional, mental, and physical health to over-come the challenges of the emotional, mental and physical health of the students.

Teachers who work beyond 9 to 5 hours of the regular schedule, those hearts who worry endlessly when the board examinations knock on the gates, the people who ignore their own children at times for the sake of other children under their care, those brave souls who fight the wintry cold and summary heat to be in the classrooms, those souls who walk for hours on end to reach to their destination yet their love of the profession take them there.
For this very reason, we need to celebrate the so-called TEACHERS.

In a beautiful message by Hon’ble Sherig Lyonpo Norbu Wangchuck to the teachers across the country on the Teachers’ Day 2017, he says teachers live a life, which is not ordinary, and for this very reason, teachers mean a whole lot for the Nation. And for this very reason, he says teachers should play the role which none can play. The role of building the nation BUILDER in short.

Coincidentally, there is another country that marks the national teachers’ day on 2nd may and its Iran. They mark the day after Dr. Morteza Motahhari who was an Iranian cleric, philosopher, lecturer, and politician and who was assassinated on 1st May.

Thank You.


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