
Learn about me

Hello! I am Tshering Yangzom, a 22-year-old girl brought up in a loving family. Though I am from Trashigang, my birthplace is at Gelephu and have been brough up in this beautiful place. I have completed class PP-12 in my hometown only; PP-6 in Gelephu Lower secondary School and 9-12 in Gelephu Higher Secondary School. My parents have always been an open minded, caring such as teaching about usage of sanitary pad and yet strict in terms of studies.

Though my father failed to be a good husband, but he has been a perfect dad for me. During my kindergarten, I was often bullied by the neighbor kids and was always crying at home. My father taught me to stand up for myself and the next few seconds I fought for myself and was never bullied by the kids ever. He has been a role model for me and in terms of studies, he guided me with every subject he could. Because of him, I started loving mathematics and always excelled in my academic. Even during my twelfth-grade exam where I couldn’t perform my best and ended up with average result, my father didn’t scold me. I was having hard time, mentally not stabled and had locked myself in room for several days. He took me on trip to Haa to see snow, which I have always been wanting to see since my childhood. He then, encouraged me to follow my dreams not be concerned about the marks. It was when I got into Paro college, my father supported me and comforted with all his warm words which made me look up to him.

On the other hand, my mother is cheerful, and she always advises me to be a good human being. She always has been a selfless and showered me with lots of love. Upon hearing the news that I got into Paro college, she was the first person to dance and cheer out of pure happiness. They always been a loving parent and I am blessed to have them both in my life.

Now in my family, I am the middle child, and we consist of 3 siblings. I am the loudest child who jokes and pranks around. I am also known for commenting sarcastic jokes and my family enjoys it. Without me, my family gets their peace silence, but they still miss me sometimes.

I have always been a home person. I don’t like going out nor interacting with people. I am introvert and avoid socializing with people as much as I can. I love drawing, watching Korean dramas, serial killer documentaries, Jjaltoon, make up videos and hilarious videos. I also love to read novels and my favorite author is Cecelia Ahern. I also read creepy stories and webtoons.

To talk on my strengths, I am good at drawing anime characters. To be honest, I am multi-rounded person like I can dance, draw, do make ups, and many more. I am honest, and I don’t procrastinate my works. I am also a perfectionist where I don’t compromise my academic works and choose to have flawless assignments done.

The only weakness that I have is my socializing among crowds which I dread a lot. I just don’t find myself comfortable around people. I love spending time alone and dissolving in my own thoughts and fantasy. That is why I have only one best friend whom I always stick around. Other than her, I don’t really befriend others.

My college life is interesting since I get to learn ways to deal with young children and is exposed to various new fun activities to engage in. I find myself enjoying my simple college life without any dramas, just me and my books beside. I would love to learn and educate myself with valuable life related skills which I can pass on to my students in future. I want to be a good teacher to which they can look up and be proud of. I wish to create positive and safe learning environment for my students to enjoy their learning and also put lots of knowledge that I am receiving from my college into practice to enhance my teaching for better.

Thank you😊


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