
Showing posts from April, 2023

(Image 1) Zhabdrung Kuchoe

T oday 30th April, 10th day of the lunar month is a holy and an auspicious day and as today is observed as the Parinirvana anniversary of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel  all over Bhutan. The whole country commemorates this day by paying homage to Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal. Several religious rituals are performed in the temples in his honor. This day is spent by offering special prayers and lighting butter lamps by enthusiasts. Devotees also visit sacred sites on this day. Funerary services are also held in many places for this commemoration. Since this day is a national holiday in Bhutan, school, business and working people get a day off on this day. The following pictures display Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel and the butter lamps that I offered today. Figure 2: Butter lamp offered at home Figure 1: Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel Teaching about historical figures, such as Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel, in a classroom can be an engaging and educational experience. By using these images, we can educat

Link for Article related ICT in Education

I wrote my reflection paper based on the following article and the link provided below is for sir's reference.  Link:   Integration of ICT in Bhutanese Schools – Common Obstacles and the Way Forward | The Druk Journal

✍️Reflection paper on the article related ICT in Education

  Reflection on the article “Integration of ICT in Bhutanese Schools - Common Obstacles and the Way Forward” Information and Communication Technology is considered as an important tool for the development of modern education in the 21st century. The attainment of Bhutan’s goal of becoming a knowledge-based society that harnesses Information and Communications Technology (ICT) necessitates its indispensable use. The Royal Government of Bhutan initiated the Chiphen Rigphel Project as a means to achieve their envisioned objectives. The article highlights the growing importance of the integration of information and communication technology (ICT) in the field of education and identifies several hurdles that need to be overcome. The article recognizes the crucial role of ICT in revolutionizing conventional educational methods. The focal point is on how education can be improved by technology, making information more accessible, and encouraging student involvement. Incorporating information

🤔📜Critical Analysis of on any Learning Experience

Critical Analysis on Different Learning Styles and Preferences On 24 th  February, 2023, we had a session on “ Different styles and preferences ” which was subsequently interlinked with “ How ICT can enhance VAK? ”. In educational contexts, style and preference among learners may be categorized into six distinct types:  Auditory, Visual, Kinesthetics, Guided, Informal , and  Independent .  Learning style is how a person naturally learns. It was first proposed in the 1970s and has had a significant impact on the field of education. Visual learners require diverse presentations of information, such as spatial awareness and photographic memory. Auditory learners prefer listening over reading or hands-on learning. For example, a visual learner needs to see the project, while auditory learners prefer to hear about it. Kinesthetic learners prefer learning through physical activity rather than passive listening or watching. For instance, when learning about wind energy, a visual learner may

Yoga saved my life

Y oga is an ancient Indian practice that permits the mind and body to be in conjunction with each other. It incorporates meditation, breathing exercises, and stretches to allow stress reduction, relaxation, and rejuvenation. After graduating from twelfth grade, I felt burnt out from poor mental health where I often experienced anxiety and panic attacks. I also went through a period of torturous Bulimia where people with this eating disorder may secretly binge (eating large amounts of food with a loss of control over the eating) and then purge, trying to get rid of the extra calories in an unhealthy way. Consequently, my weight changed from time to time, and this affected my physical health as well. Nonetheless, I took the courage to come out and help myself before it was too late. I sought help from my family and internet where I discovered yoga as a solution to my problem. I started downloading various yoga lessons for beginners and begun my journey to healing. I found comfort in


As said,  “Humans spend years eating, sleeping, working, and worrying about those things, but it is their free time that is most important. If spent well it can render them into great people, if squandered, it cannot , ”  w e all want to be productive and make the most out of the time that we have every day. However, we tend to procrastinate things too often or focus too much on making every hour productive can be counterproductive, in fact, leading to lower performance, fatigue, and eventually burnout. We need to rest and find effective everyday activities which supports our health, well-being, and a high level of performance. During my vacation, I had lots of spare time at home. I had nothing to do other than sleeping and eating. For much time to waste, I thought of spending it on some online learning platform and as a teacher-to-be, it is must that we never stop learning. Fortunately, I had the perfect opportunity to participate in  Virtual Sensitization Workshop  on Adolescent Se

Lesson activity using ICT tools in a classroom.

Class VI   Subject: Social Studies Title/Topic: The Solar System Objectives By the end of the lesson, the child will be able to: name and locate planets according to the position of the Sun after watching the video lesson.   Learning resources:  YouTube ( planet in the solar system for primary school - Google Search ) European Space Agency( ESA - Space for Kids - Solar System Explorer ) Kahoot ba3be58a43 0) Instructions: Open the provided link and watch the educational video on the planets of the solar system. This will help you comprehend what makes up the Solar system and the overall concept of the solar system. ( planets in the solar system for primary school - Google Search ) Next, open the second link and play the game where you need to complete each level. Every level has a mission where you need to safely fly over to the next planet in the solar system. ESA - Space for Kids - Solar System Explorer Now, open the third